Project Description

A Season-Free Destination

Moving beyond the summer/winter model

The Challenge Before Us

For many years skiing was the only winter season option, but by now it represents a risk for mountain tourism. Climate change and market fluctuations are making our mountain resorts increasingly unsuited for this type of provision. We have to rethink our models, starting from the idea itself of specific seasons.

What We Will Do

We will further diversify the options, taking advantage of those less dependent on the seasons. We will integrate ski lifts, runs, and infrastructures with other summer and winter outdoor activities, conceptualizing their use beyond the traditional seasonal approach. All this will be done in coordination with a more balanced flow of tourists for each attraction and each specific zone.


This is a far sighted initiative that foresees the effects of a transformation that will certainly be long term but that is nevertheless already underway. Pursuing a “seasonless” mountain strategy today that no longer distinguishes skiing from other outdoor activities will make our resort more competitive over the coming decades.